We’re not dead, yet. It’s been a helluva trying year for folks everywhere, and those with creative pursuits certainly haven’t missed out on feeling the drag of trying to find the motivation to complete a project. With all the wrongs going on in the world, it begs the question, “Why?” Ultimately, the reason doesn’t have to be profound. It can be a simple, four-letter word: Love. We do these things because we love the community, the process, the lows, the highs and everything in between. For those who’ve struggled through the past year, we’re right there with you. Feeling motivated just to go to work when the world is falling apart is difficult enough as it is. Don’t be so hard on yourselves, you’re getting up everyday, and you’re not on the brown side of the sod yet. Keep up the good work.
Volume 5: Issue 2 is ready for reading. It took a year to find the motivation to piece it all together, to reach out to folks, and to push ourselves forward, but we fucking did it. It’s a snow-heavy issue, but there’s plenty of content for the music lovers out there as well. Thank you for continuing to support the cause. We don’t know how many more issues we’ve got in us, but we’ll keep putting them out so long as you all keep showing up.
This feature brings Midwest rider and photographer Peter Limberg back to his roots at Trollhaugen. Kevin Susienka serves up a solid profile on skater and footwear designer Richard Stickney. André Rober Beriau shines a light on Brendan “Teddy” Straight and Tomas Ruprecht, while Gavin Gendron interviews Doug Ostroskey of Vantage Point and Boston Hardcore Fame. All the way from Salt Lake City, Willy Nevins reports on Mother Nature and skateboarding.
Included with your purchase:
- High Quality Issue
- 80 lbs. Gloss Cover
- 80 lbs. Gloss Text
- Folded and Stapled Booklet Style Zine
- FREE Analog Companion Stickers
- Handwritten "Thank You" note
- Desire to Travel
- Pursuit of Adventure
- Lust for Exploration
***Excerpt from GUST by Willy Nevins***
I walked around the cemetery by my house, home to some of Salt Lake’s oldest trees. Giant pines four times my age that seemed 100 feet tall snapped in two. In many cases the entire root ball had upturned alongside the flattened tree, unearthing giant holes where the roots had been subterranean for the tree’s lifespan. Elsewhere in the city, as the wind was dying down and the sun was coming up, skate spots – albeit short lived – were taking form.
The phenomenon of giant trees falling over and uplifting all their underground roots in many cases brought sections of sidewalk or street with them. In a city full of skaters hungry for new spots, countless gaps, bumps, and banks were created literally in a matter of a few windy seconds. Skate spots in a city are usually at the mercy of those who have the capital to construct buildings, parks, plazas, etc. If you are lucky, the aesthetics of architecture align with your taste in street spots. These as, we know, come and go usually slowly. They are often built with skate stoppers in place, and with some sort of private property stipulations that give some manager an excuse to be an asshole to a group of people enjoying a curb. Rarely do they come in a moment of city-wide panic and disarray, when there seems to be some sort of free range to roam spots that will be bulldozed and gone within a week or two. Most importantly these spots didn’t really belong to anyone. If the sidewalk is the “appropriate” place to ride your skateboard, and the sidewalk has a giant upturned bank, then you should probably skate on the sidewalk.
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